These are out of order and some are missing, not to mention late. I'm just dealing with that. I hope you can too.
December 7 Blog find of the year.
Brian's Blue Hour. His photos and food are very inspiring for vicarious daydreams. I was jealous before of his roof deck in Brooklyn, but now that he's in London for the year, I'm downright drooling with envy.
Runner up is much newer to me but I'm enjoying it oh so much: Bridget Callahan is Your Best Friend. She is so awesome that you wish the title were true so you could drink wine and yell at the tv with her. I first fell for her ANTM and Top Chef reactions/recaps. Then she went and wrote this in response to her drunk friend's worrying about her love life, "There is nothing right or wrong you can do about it. There is no big
decision you are going to regret for the rest of your life. Life is a
string of meaningful events that with the passage of time become
balanced and understandable." Amen.
Thank you, Blue Girl, for pointing me in her direction.

December 9 Challenge.
Very literally, my yearlong challenge has been my 365 photo-a-day project. Often I have resorted to just documenting the changing seasons in our yard, because I did not always want to cart around my dslr. I actually have enjoyed those moments stalking about our hill, searching for some lovely golden light.
I did not always enjoy the photos I was coming up with - they sometimes felt forced and trite - but I have become so much more at ease with my camera. Where before I was often hesitant to freely take photos, I am now more confident with my camera in my hands.
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